In the history of India, which is known as ‘Gupta period’ or ‘Suvarna Yuga’, at that time India made unprecedented progress in the fields of literature, art and science. Indian mathematics and astrology were highly advanced in ancient times. It is believed that the birth of the great mathematician Aryabhata is considered in the Gupta period. Aryabhatta, the precious scientist that made India shine in the world, not only contributed to scientific advancement but also glorify this area. Aryabhatta is believed to be from Kusumpur near Patna, the capital of Bihar state, which was then known as Pataliputra. Certified information about parent's name and lineage introduction is not available. Based on estimates, his date of birth is considered as April 13, 476 and death at 550.
Magadh University was the center of learning at that time. There was a separate department for studying astronomy here and Buddhism was famous. Although astronomy was born in India before Aryabhata. Here the rules of Panchang, constellation, division etc. were made only before 13-14 century before the birth of Jesus. Details of astronomy are also found in the Vedas. But astronomy was not very good during Aryabhata. At that time, the Surya Siddhanta, the Vashistha Siddhanta, the Roman Siddhanta had become old. The principles of mathematics were not being solved by them. The exact position of the eclipse was not being found, due to which the faith of the people was starting to get up from Indian astrology. Aryabhata, by removing the flaws in it, gave it a new and effective form. Aryabhatt, the great mathematician and astronomer of the Gupta period, wrote three books. Das Gitika, Aryabhatiyam and Tantra. Aryabhata believed that creation is great, not a creator. Aryabhata was the first scientist to tell that the Earth revolves around its axis on the axis of the Sun. He gave the real reason of solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. Aryabhata also knew that the moon and other planets themselves are not luminous, but the rays of the sun reflect in them.
At the age of 23, Aryabhata wrote the 'Aryabhatiya Granth'. In his honor India's first satellite was named after Aryabhata. Aryabhata was the first to mention the value of 'pi' and 'sine'. In order to solve complex mathematical problems easily, he invented equations, which became famous all over the world. He also made many important modifications in Algebra and introduced the 'Arya Siddhanta' of mathematics astrology.
2012 was celebrated as the "Year of Mathematics", honoring India's first mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata. Aryabhata's name has also been established with full respect in the report of scientists released from Chicago. Aryabhata was a great man who studied and analyzed mathematics deeply. We salute this great mathematician of India who gave the greatest discovery to the world.
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