History Gala: Israel - Palestine Conflict

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Israel - Palestine Conflict

 Israel - Palestine Conflict

We often hear about the Israel – Palestine dispute. In recent days both countries have suffered a lot of loss of life and properties due to the terrible war between the two countries. In this blog (History Gala), I will tell you about the reason, due to which the dispute between these two countries increased day by day.

The only reason for the Israel – Palestine dispute was to establish the suzerainty over Jerusalem, because it was a place of religious observance of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. That is why both Israel and Palestine want to make it as their capital.  So they had to divide the city.The way the city is divided has been one of the fundamental issues between Israelis and Palestinians.


Israel Palestine conflict

The root cause of the Israel-Palestine dispute 

Israel was formed from the United Nations resolution and Britain's “League of Nation mandate”.The demand for a separate country for Jews had been taking place for a long time, but the persecution of the Jews in the Second World War especially by Hitler's , that’s why demand for a separate state for the Jews, was supported by the United Nation. Voting took place in the United Nations on this issue, and as a result, where there is a large number of Jews, they will be given to Israel. At the same place, where the Arabs are in majority, they will be given Palestine. The third was Jerusalem; there were many differences about it. Half of the population here was Jewish and half the population was Muslim. Regarding this, the United Nations said in its decision that international control would be applied to the region. But the Arabs who were living in Palestine opposed the formation of Israel. Arab residents living in Palestine received support from neighboring Arab countries, especially Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Arab countries tried to destroy Israel, but they not only failed, but Israel occupied many Palestinian territories, due to which the state of Palestine was not formed. Due to war many Palestinians become refugees, and Palestinians were granted independence in two territories (the Gaza Strip and the West Coast) under an agreement with Israel (Oslo Agreement). And from here the Conflicts between these two countries increased.


Israel Palestine conflict ,Israel Palestine dispute
Israel Palestine conflict

The 70-year Israeli-Palestinian conflict has affected the Middle East's nations and challenged the international community's peace-building efforts. There were many agreements between the two countries to establish peace, but it did not come to any conclusion. Facing these challenges and their impact on broader US national security interests, the current administration has identified the conflict as a diplomatic priority.

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